![flower vase](0290_thm.jpg) Committal
1.Take my life and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee; take my moments and my days, let them flow in ceaseless praise.
2.Take my hands and let them move, at the impulse of Thy Love; take my feet and let them be, swift and beautiful for Thee.
3.Take my voice and let me sing,always, only for my King
take my lips and make them be filled with messages from Thee.
4.Take my will and make it Thine, it shall be no longer mine; take my heart, it is Thine own; it shall be Thy royal throne.
5.Take my silver and my gold, not a mite will I withold;
Take my intellect, and use, every power as Thou shalt choose.
6.Take my love; my Lord, I pour, at Thy feet its treasure store.
Take myself, and I will be, ever, only, all for Thee. Frances Ridley Havergal.
My First Employment
The year 1951...It was a pleasant August evening in Brig Bay, Nfld, in the year 1951. I was 17 years old that year, and was paying a visit to Tom Payne, a contractor with Bowaters Woods and a neighbor of ours. I heard that his Camp was opening tomorrow, and I was looking for employment, cutting pulpwood at his Camp.
I told Tom that my brother, Pleman, who had two or more years experience was going to his camp and that we would work together on the first strip. After that I would work on my own. Tom agreed to that, and next morning I started out on my first job, in company with my brother, Pleman, who would teach me how to cut pulpwood, safely. We arrived at Camp 8 in late afternoon, in time for supper. We found suitable sleeping needs in the Bunkhouse, had a good night, and in the morning an excellent breakfast. On the way from the cookhouse Pleman picked up up a lunch box for both of us. At the forepeak we obtained our tools, and walked single file into the woods, about a mile, and was alloted our strip of wood. We were in business.
In late fall the cutting ended and we returned home. My mother had some news for me that was totally unexpected; the School Supertindent had called, asking if I would teach at the local school that winter. I had meant to attend school after Christmas that winter, myself, to complete my grade 11. But no regular teacher was available for our school that year. I thought it over for several days before accepting the appointment. The Supertendant was very happy when I accepted, for now the school would be operating and the pupils would not have lost the year's schooling.
I did the best I could for the students that winter, and time passed swiftly, then late in June the school term was completed. I had just finished up the final school affairs when someone came, acking if I was interested in a summer job at a Bowater's camp in Hawkes Bay. I accepted, and enjoyed the summer activity and soon the fall woodcutting was beginning. The camp was being filling with able men, eager to take part in the Fall pulpwood cutting.
About the time a friend who was assistant to the contracter, known as the Second Hand at the camp, called me to the forepeak one evening. He told me that Bowater Company's Superintendent was presently at Hawkes Bay depot and was coming to interview him for the position of Scaler. The problem was that he had become well situated in his present job, and was staying with it at present. He asked if I would be interested in the job, and would I like to apply for it. I agreed to apply and he telephoned the office advising that I was applying for the job. They told him they would be at the camp later that evening.
It was late evening when the superintendent and his office manager, Clayton, arrived at the camp to interview me. They asked a few questions, such as age, experience, education, and so on. They talked together privitely and appeared satisfied. The superintendent said, "You have the job. You will start working in the depot office first; Clayton will advise you in your duties. You will begin learning to scale pulpwood and later this fall you will be moved to Hare Bay. We shook hands, and they left. The next day they came and brought me to the depot, settling me in the company staff house. I enjoyed it from the start, making new friends and encountering various experiences. I was 19 years old that Fall.
Link to The Deep Woods:click here.
Copyright 2006 R.A.Hoddinott. All rights reserved.
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